Wednesday 12 December 2018

Monday 10 December 2018

At home? Bored? Why not make some electric play-doh! Follow the link below and have fun (safely!)

Here is the tutorial on how to make an origami box. Can you estimate its volume? What is its actual volume? Can you create four smaller boxes to fit inside the box? What is the volume of each of those boxes? Can you create a cover for the box? What perimeter does the origami paper need to have in order fit 'snuggly' on top of the box? 

Try out this cube building activity and practice your volume skills. (Remember: Volume = length x width x depth (or height))
Information about prisms from Math is Fun! Have a look and discover something new!

Friday 30 November 2018

Here is another Studyjam. This one is about fractions and mixed numbers. Have a look!

Use 'Decention' on Math Playground to practice decimals, fractions and percent!

Here is a studyjam about fractions, decimals and percent. Have a look!

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Thursday 15 November 2018

Here is a link to a simple informative essay for you to use for comparison. There’s also a link to help you practice writing a conclusion.

                                                                      Sample Essay
Here is a link to the linking words document for your informational essay.
Happy writing!

Wednesday 14 November 2018

There's always something else to write about!

A few of your lemon-battery confusion might be answered in this video! What happens if you add extra zinc and copper to the lemon? Did our experiment show the same results as we see in the video? What about salt water? Can it generate electricity as well?

Saturday 10 November 2018

Here is a fun game to practice fractions and mixed numbers. You can use it on your tablet, too!

Here is a youtube video for an additional explanation on how to place fractions on a number line. Have a look if you are struggling with this concept!

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Here is a video from study jams about fractions.
Here's a game from BrainPop that explores fractions on a number line. Try it out and let me know what you think.

Here is a link to an explanation about equivalent fractions! There is a great interactive tool that can help you visualize equivalency! Enjoy!

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Another StudyJam to review static electricity!

Sunday 21 October 2018

Let's practice dividing decimals by whole numbers. You can use long division or challenge yourself by using the short form. Use the scratchpad at the top to show your work! Happy dividing!
Watch this Science Max video again and review all about static electricity!

Friday 19 October 2018

Have you visited Wonderopolis recently? There are so many articles on electricity. Get Reading!

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Here are some sugar skull designs to add to your skull drawings. Use these for inspiration and create your own!

Wednesday 10 October 2018

How did electricity get its name? Watch this video and find out!

Monday 8 October 2018

For the next few weeks we will be learning about electricity. Here is a great website to visit to get your learning started!

Sunday 30 September 2018

Check out this link from BrainPop on the American Civil War.

We are going to begin informational writing. Here is a quick overview of how to write and organize a five paragraph essay.

Saturday 22 September 2018

An individual's story can be very valuable to others. Terry Fox and Sadako Sasaki are examples. Malala Yousafzai is another example of how one young person's story can inspire the world. Watch the Brain Pop video. How does Malala inspire you? #allkidshavetherighttolearn

Thursday 20 September 2018

Looking for some books to read that are entertaining AND educational? The Newbery Medal is awarded very year to the best American children's book published in the previous year. Click on the medal and you'll find all of the winners since 1922. Can you see any books that we've read on the list? Pick some from the list and get reading today! (The Honour books are pretty great, too! e.g., El Deafo)
Here is a fun site where you can practice your multiplication and division mental math skills. Enjoy!
Want to practice some division mental math? Try out this fun missing digits game on Math Playground!

Thursday 13 September 2018

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Sing along and practice for International Peace Day next Thursday!

Saturday 1 September 2018

How to play Batu Seremban or '5 stones'.

Do you want to read some folktales from around the world? Follow the link below!

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Learn how to find the area of parallelograms using this Study Jams video. Preview how to find the area of irregular figures and triangles.
Try the exercises on Math is Fun to practice perimeter and area of polygons!

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Can you solve these word ladders without any clues?

Watch this short animated science fiction film entitled, Planet Unknown. What scientific principles and technology do you recognize? What predictions is the story making about life in the future? Is this story dealing with aliens or life in other worlds?  What important issue in society is being showcased?

Here is the space video you have all been waiting for! Check out how real astronauts survive in Space aboard the ISS (International Space Station)!

Sunday 12 August 2018

Astronauts could not explore space without flight technology. Visit the Future Flight Design website to review your knowledge of how flight works!
Watch this video and learn more about how a spacesuit works from a real astroanut.

Today, we learned about how kids your age can make a difference in the world. Check out and learn how you can make our world a better place!
Review properties of quadrilaterals with this Study Jam. (You can also do some quadrilateral karaoke!) You can also review angles, triangles, symmetry and congruence as well! Just visit the Geometry topic at this link!

Saturday 11 August 2018

Check out a few of your classmates Space Technology Lego designs. Don't forget to have your assignment ready for tomorrow!
ISS 2 with Canadarm 3
Moon Rover
Deep Space Research Ship

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Who ruled the land during Medieval Times? How were laws made? Did everybody have equal rights? Rewatch this video on Feudalism and review what life was like for citizens during this time. Check out the videos on the Middles Ages and the Fall of the Roman Empire as well!

This painting, Etoile Bleue, 1927, by surrealist artist Joan Miro sold for a whopping $37 million dollars at an auction! 

Tuesday 7 August 2018

What are satellites? What are some different types of artificial satellites? How do they work? How are they useful? What would the world be like without satellites?

Monday 6 August 2018

Visit DK Find Out! To learn all about different kinds if telescopes.

What is Science Fiction?

Have you ever wondered how the telescope was invented? Read this article from Wonderopolis and find out!

Sunday 5 August 2018

Want some practice at estimating acute and obtuse angles? Try Alien Angles and test your skills!
Do you want some more practice measuring angles using a protractor? Try out this interactive activity at Click on the image below and get measuring!

Try out some air hockey on CBC kids and see if you can put your knowledge of angles to work!

What is the mistake in this comic?

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Review the phases of the moon on BrainPop!
Try out this interactive to learn more about the phases of the moon.

Watch this video to review the phases of the moon. Look up at the moon tonight. What phase is it in?

Sunday 29 July 2018

Play this fun Order of Operations game to test your skills!
Check out this website to learn more about different times of governments that exist in different countries.

Let's work on order of operations! Check out this Study Jam for support!
Your answer to the question: What would happen if the moon disappeared?

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Here is another explanation of a solar eclipse from DK Find Out!

What's the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse? Find out more about these two amazing phenomenon at Wonderopolis! There are many more wonders for you to explore as well! Search the wonders to find out more facts about the Sun.
Watch this BrainPop movie to learn more about solar eclipses!